
Home sweet home

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Open Day at Volovuhu School

 In America we have Open Vanuatu the school boundaries are off limits for anyone other than students.  I helped my school try something new!  We had an open day where the students invited their parents to come see what they have been working on.  Here are some proud parents taking a tour of the classrooms with their children!

After a picnic lunch the classes did performances for the families.  They were a mix of poetry, dramas, skits, readers theater, report presentations, and songs.  The students were so creative and of course cute :)

The finalle was a skit done by the eight grade students about high blood pressure and how to get healthy to keep it down.  Graham stuffed a pillow under his jacket to make him look overweight and after he followed the doctor's orders to eat lots of fresh fruit and exercise he was instantly slimmer (without the pillow for those that aren't following along).  This day was a big success and I look forward to making next year bigger and better.


  1. well done Jess, keep up the good work!

    Robert Hakwa

  2. this makes me abit homesick!
