
Home sweet home

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Tavala!

During Mom and Dad's visit they fell in love with my community.  For Christmas they sent along a beautiful gift for everyone to enjoy!  It is a nativity scene to display in the Church to help the story of Christmas come alive.
I read Mom and Dad's letter in English and also translated it into Bislama for them to really understand the message.  I wrote the translation and posted it for the members of the village to also re-read if they wished.
The unveiling of the Nativity!  The Pastor and leader of the Youth, my counterpart Chris, touched the gift as a sign of acceptance and gratefulness. 

They were busy checking it out up close after service!

The community was so excited to have such a beautiful way to learn about the value of Christmas!  Thanks Mom, Dad, and Grandma!!

1 comment:

  1. Jess, wonderful pictures! It does make one abit homesick! It was great to see your parents visiting Tavala village and I thought that was a very thoughtful gesture on their part to donate the Nativity scene display.

    Keep up the excellent you are doing and God bless!
